Consuming a well-balanced diet full of various vitamins and minerals is beneficial to your health for many reasons. However, did you know that certain vitamins and minerals actually benefit your teeth? It’s true. Today, we’re going to look at four vitamins and minerals that you can eat to strengthen your teeth. Let’s get right in!
How It Helps Your Teeth: Did you know that around 99% of the calcium in our bodies can be found in either our teeth or bones? Calcium is one of the best vitamins for teeth. This is because it works to strengthen your bones. Because teeth are made of bone, this is hugely beneficial.
Other Benefits: In addition to strengthening teeth, calcium is known to boost heart health. Calcium has also been shows to reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Foods Rich In Calcium: A few common foods rich in calcium include: milk, cheese, almonds, and kale.
Vitamin D
How It Helps Your Teeth: Vitamin D helps calcium absorb into your teeth. Additionally, Vitamin D is crucial to your teeth because it increases bone mineral density.
Other Benefits: Along with helping your teeth, Vitamin D serves other purposes. These include: managing the insulin level in diabetics, promoting healthy heart function, cardiovascular health and more.
Foods Rich In Vitamin D: Foods high in Vitamin D include: fish, some dairy products, foods and drinks fortified with Vitamin D and egg yolks.
Vitamin A
How It Helps Your Teeth: At some point or another, our mouth will be damaged. Vitamin A helps keep our mouths strong and protected. Additionally, Vitamin A can boost our enamel.
Other Benefits: There are a few additional benefits associated with Vitamin A. These include: better eyesight, improved organ function, healthier hair, strengthened immune system, and much more.
Foods Rich In Vitamin A: There are a few foods rich in Vitamin A that you should look to eat. These include: carrots, eggs, fortified cereals, and others.
How It Helps Your Teeth: Similar to Vitamin D, potassium is greatly beneficial to your teeth because it boosts bone mineral density. Additionally, potassium prevents harmful chemicals from doing damage to your teeth.
Other Benefits: A few of the other benefits associated with potassium include: improved heart function, higher life expectancy, increased muscle mass, and lowered blood pressure.
Foods Rich In Potassium: There are a few foods you should be looking to eat for a diet rich in potassium. These include: bananas, most fruit, beans, lentils, and more.
There you have it, four vitamins and minerals crucial to keeping your teeth healthy and strong. Use this list of excellent vitamins for teeth as a guide for a diet to improve your oral health. If you’re interested in learning more about how to strengthen teeth or any other dental inquiries, visit our office at Mountain View Dental. You can contact us at to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!