At Mountain View Dental we take pride in providing our patients with the highest quality treatments and preventative dentistry services. Our dentists, Dr. Ryan Bateman, Dr. Marc Jolley, and Dr. Dirk Lighthall offers fluoride treatments to patients in order to protect against tooth decay and help the teeth be more resistant to bacteria and plaque build up in your mouth.
Fluoride Treatment for Teeth
The tooth’s enamel can become thin and soft over time especially depending on the types of foods you are used to eating. These minerals can be restored when fluoride, calcium, or phosphate are deposited on the teeth from the food and water you consume. While it is normal to lose these minerals over time, food and water can help replenish them if you are maintaining a healthy diet. If these minerals are not deposited on the teeth, then the tooth’s enamel cannot be restored and the tooth can be at risk for decay and breakage.
Our dentists apply the fluoride treatments to your teeth after a routine cleaning in higher doses than what is found in over-the-counter treatments. Fluoride treatments are ideally given every routine exam usually every six months depending on your dental health. In addition to acting as a preventative measure, receiving regular fluoride treatments can save you money in the short term and long term. Dental treatments and procedures can be very costly, and fluoride treatments can prevent these procedures from needing to be done. Not only does fluoride treatments rebuild the minerals on your teeth, but it also acts as a protective barrier against drinks and food that may run down the minerals and risk the overall health of your teeth.
Fluoride & Oral Health
Fluoride is an essential mineral to your oral health. It is present naturally, but it has been added to the water supply in most United States cities in order to reduce the amount of cavities that may develop. Fluoride can also be applied topically to teeth, fortifying their strength and prevent plaque and decay from developing. To get the best benefits from fluoride, it should be systemic as well as topical – consumed in beverages and applied to teeth.
For a topical fluorite treatment, your local dentist can apply a fluoride solution to teeth. It will sit on the enamel for several minutes and may either be a varnish, gel, or foam. After the treatment, be sure to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes so that your teeth can effectively absorb the fluoride.
Everyone Can Benefit
Mountain View Dental is a modern style office that is open to everyone, including adults and children. With that said, flouride treatments can benefit adult teeth and children’s teeth. Fluoride is the best way to ensure strong, healthy teeth and rebuild minerals that may have been lost. Our treatments are safe and effective for adults and children and are affordable so everyone is able to restore their enamel.
Schedule Your Fluoride Treatment Today!
Call our front office to schedule your exam and cleaning, and our staff can include a fluoride treatment for you and your family. Consider keeping your bright and healthy smile today and consider getting fluoride treatments for the various benefits available.