Oral cancer is defined as a malignancy impacting any portion an afflicted individual’s mouth including the gums, palate, tongue, lips, and cheeks. The following brief blog will touch on important issues related to this serious health malady such as symptoms people should look out for, oral cancer causes, and possible treatment options.
Red Flag Symptoms
Oral cancer may produce a variety of physical manifestations that could indicate the disease’s presence, such as:
A Sore That Does Not Heal
Any sore or ulcer that develops inside any part of the mouth should heal and disappear within a short duration. Should the anomaly last longer than a couple of weeks, increase in size, or produce pain, it might be symptomatic of cancer.
Unexplained Bleeding
If the mouth expels blood unexpectedly, it may be an indication of cancer.
The Presence of White or Red Patches or Growths
The appearance of tiny red or white patches that develop inside the mouth and do not go away could be a sign of trouble.
Eating or Chewing Difficulties
Quite often, oral cancers might inhibit a stricken person’s ability to chew properly or even swallow. If eating difficulties are also combined with unexplained weight loss, it could be a big red flag.
Persistent Mouth Pain
Pain or discomfort that develops and lingers anywhere in the mouth could be a sign of cancer.
Oral Cancer Causes
Oral cancer may be precipitated by several different causes, including:
Individuals who smoke stand a much greater chance of developing oral cancer than those who do not.
Chewing Tobacco
Those who chew tobacco are up to 50 times as likely to develop some type of mouth malignancy.
Increased Alcohol Intake
Heavy alcohol consumption increases a person’s risk many folds.
Family History
Those who have a close family relation who developed oral cancer are at an increased risk of being stricken with the malady.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection
Some variations of HPV have been thought to increase the risk of oral cancer in those infected.
Oral Cancer Treatments
The specific form of treatment can vary from case to case and often depends upon the exact location of the malignancy, how advanced the cancer is, the patient’s age and their overall health. However, certain forms of treatment might be indicated and include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Contact Mountain View Dental Today
If you have concerns or questions about oral cancer or any other dental or oral care issue, please contact Mountain View Dental today. We treat a countless number of patients inside our comfortable and professional office. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call (385) 324-3557.