In deciding what oral health care routine to implement, you may want to ask yourself “Is mouthwash effective and necessary, or is it just another expense?” With so many mouthwash products on the shelves to choose from, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the many choices and advertisements. You may be tempted to simplify your routine by discontinuing the mouthwash, but it really can be beneficial to your oral health.
Types of Mouthwash
Mouthwash is placed in one of two categories. It is listed as either cosmetic or as therapeutic. While all mouthwash on the market today are similar in packaging and the minty flavors, there are some differences you should be aware of as you make your choice.
Cosmetic mouthwash is designed to give your mouth a fresh scent and minty taste. While it does provide you with relief to bad breath immediately, the ingredients are inactive and only cover up or mask the unpleasant smell.
Therapeutic mouthwash contains active ingredients and is used to address oral health care concerns. They are implemented to fight the bacteria that cause gingivitis and bad breath, and also control tartar and plaque buildup. Therapeutic mouthwash can have ingredients such as fluoride to coat the teeth to decrease the possibility of cavities or decay and can also contain ingredients to soothe mouth and canker sores.
Deciding on a Mouthwash
When choosing which mouthwash to start using, ask yourself is mouthwash effective when used alone? Or does it matter if you brush before or after using the mouthwash? Is mouthwash effective when used once a day or are more times recommended? Also, ask yourself what solutions you hope to gain with mouthwash use. List your top reasons for using mouthwash and look for a brand that focuses on those issues. With so many choices available, you will be sure to find one that addresses your problems.
Tips on Mouthwash Use
When starting with a new mouthwash, follow the directions given by the manufacturer on the bottle. If you choose a product you don’t like or isn’t helping, don’t be afraid to switch and try something new. While all mouthwashes are designed to help freshen breath, knowing if the ingredients are covering or curing makes all the difference. Never let using mouthwash replace brushing, flossing, and regular checkups. While it can be an effective tool, it isn’t meant to be used alone.
Please call Mountain View Dental with any questions or concerns you may have. Between the friendly, smiling faces and a comfortable, professional atmosphere, you won’t regret scheduling an appointment with Mountain View Dental for all of your dental needs.