In addition to taking proper care of your teeth, you will want to have healthy gums. If you aren’t performing adequate daily oral hygiene, then you can have mild to severe gingivitis. Without the proper type of gum care, you could have extremely bad breath along with a loss of your natural teeth. Here are some ways to have gums that are in the best condition.
Way 1: Avoid Bad Habits
Bad habits such as smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco can destroy your gum tissue. The nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco reduce the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, leading to poor blood flow in your gums. In addition, you are more likely to have inflammation in your soft oral tissues, including your gums.
Way 2: Brushing Your Teeth
While brushing your teeth, make sure to remove the food debris that is located between the teeth and along the gums. Any food debris that is left in your mouth will encourage the growth of bacteria, and these pathogens are what will infect your gums. Make sure to replace your toothbrush every three months or after you have a cold so that the bristles are clean. Use the right type of toothpaste so that you won’t have any irritation from harsh chemicals.
Way 3: Consuming the Proper Diet Each Day
If you aren’t eating any vegetables or fruits, then you aren’t getting enough nutrients for your gums. You should also consume lean proteins such as beef, fish or poultry. Additional foods to help keep your gums healthy include whole grains and dairy products. Avoid eating foods such as candy or potato chips that will stick to your teeth and gums, leading to a buildup of plaque.
Way 4: Daily Flossing
To have healthy gums, you need to floss your teeth at least once a day to remove the bacteria that collect along the bottoms of the teeth or between the teeth. There are numerous types of dental floss, including containers that have a large amount of thread or tiny plastic picks that you can carry with you. You can find floss that is covered in wax to make it easier to slide between your teeth, and there also floss products that have tasty flavors such as peppermint or cinnamon.
Way 5: Use Mouth Rinses
When you visit a local drugstore, look for gum care mouth rinses that help to destroy the dangerous bacteria in your mouth. There are several flavors of mouth rinses that contain ingredients such as fluoride that help to protect your teeth and gums from the damage of plaque buildup.
Way 6: Regular Dental Office Visits at Mountain View Dental
When you visit our dentist, we are concerned about your teeth, but we also want you to have healthy gums. Professional dental cleanings protect your teeth from decay, but it is also an important part of gum care. For additional information about dental treatments, call our professional and comfortable office in Pleasant View to schedule an appointment.