Biting down on ice is something most of us enjoy doing, but at times when you bite on it too hard, your tooth will crack. The enamel is a hard material, but like everything, it has its limits. Receiving a blow to the jaw, falling and biting down too hard on ice can cause your tooth to chip or crack. When this happens, do not worry, a visit to the dentist is what you need to fix it.
Self-care Measures
Immediately after you notice you have a chipped tooth, there some measures you can take before you head to the dentist.
Take some OTC pain relievers if the tooth is painful.
In case the break has caused a jagged edge, cover it with sugarless gum or wax paraffin to protect your tongue.
If you want to eat, eat soft foods and avoid eating with your broken tooth.
Here are some of the ways dentist fix chipped teeth.
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When your chipped tooth is a cosmetic issue, veneers are the best option. A veneer is a porcelain composite material that covers the whole tooth surface giving it a natural look.
Your dentist will remove close to 1.2 mm of enamel from your tooth and create an impression that is sent to the dental laboratory to make the veneer.
Once the veneer is ready (it might take a week or two), you’ll need to return to your dentist to have it placed. Before the placing it, your dentist will put a liquid on the surface of the chipped tooth to make it rough.
To the veneer, a special cement is applied and placed on the chipped tooth. Once in position, a special light activates the chemicals in the cement to harden quickly.
It is a cheap method when doing a tooth or two, but quite expensive if there are several chipped teeth. The best part is that veneers can last 10 to 20 years.
Bonding or Filling
If the chip is small and uncomplicated, your dentist is likely to suggest bonding or a filling to fix the tooth. Bonding is for repairing a chipped tooth that is noticeable when you smile while filling fixes your tooth if a small piece of enamel has chipped off.
Your dentist will mold a composite material over the healthy area of the tooth, and then the enamel is roughened after the chip comes off. The composite material is shaped to create a natural-looking extension that hardens once exposed to blue light.
You can last with bonding for ten years only when it’s well-taken care of. This procedure is ideal for small cosmetic chips.
Dental Implants
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Implants are the preferred option for tooth replacement. You can consider dental implants if your tooth has cracked close to the gum line or a significant chunk has chipped.
When your dentist notices your tooth has chipped close to the gum line, the first thing done is assessing the damage done. Then deciding if you are eligible for dental implants and if so, your dentist takes the structure of your teeth and bite.
On your second appointment, your dentist will give you anesthesia before drilling a hole in your jaw. This will house your replaced tooth. A post made of titanium is inserted into the hole and left to adjust to the structure of your jawbone. It takes two months before the post integrates entirely into the jawbone.
You return to your dentist’s office after two months to have an artificial crown made. It is similar to your tooth structure and then it is attached. It takes close to seven months for the entire process to be complete.
Dental Crown
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Like veneers, crowns are used to cover your chipped tooth if a significant amount falls off. It is a fast way of repairing your tooth and prevents what’s left from further damage from tooth decay. There are different types of crowns. Permanent crown made of metal, ceramic, resin, or porcelain fused to metal crowns.
Crowns are a cheap alternative if you can’t afford implants.
Root canals fall under this category. An endodontist specializes in a root canal. They can do a root canal if the top of your tooth has chipped but the root is intact.
Your dentist will perform root canal therapy to replace the chipped tooth. Then place a pin in the canal and build enough structure for setting the crown. Over the pin, your dentist will cement the crown later on.
Similar to dental implants, you will visit your dentist twice to complete the procedure. For the first visit, X-rays will be taken to check the condition of the roots and its surrounding. If there are no problems, the dentist will numb your tooth and gum around it and remove what’s left of the chipped tooth to create space for the crown.
If a large piece chipped off, your dentist could use a filling to build the tooth up so that it can hold the crown. An impression of the tooth getting the crown and the one above is made using a putty-like material. It is sent to the lab to mold the crown. Your dentist can place a temporary crown until your next appointment.
After two or three weeks, you will have your second appointment to have your crown fixed.
About Us
Are you looking for a trusted dentist who offers affordable services within Pleasant View? Look no further but Mountain View Dental. We serve the Pleasant View community with qualified staff and dentists who cater to all your dentistry issues.
We have free consultations that we offer. Our team makes you understand the insurance policies and the care that we provide to you.
Make an appointment with us and have all your dentistry problems solved.