Often a part of our bodies that is given little thought or appreciation for its efforts, the human tongue is one of the most important parts of the human body. Along with letting us experience such tastes as sweet, sour, and spicy, it can also help us let others know what we’re thinking by helping us pronounce words. But along with these talents, there are plenty of other fascinating facts about the human tongue. If you’re on pins and needles with anticipation, here are five fun facts about your tongue that will leave you astounded.
Your Tongue Is Muscle-Bound
While it may look somewhat skinny when you stick it out, the fact is your tongue is quite muscle-bound. In case you haven’t noticed, your tongue is not only very flexible, but it also seems to never get tired, no matter how much you eat or talk. As to why, it’s because your tongue is comprised of eight different muscles.
Lots and Lots of Taste Buds
Despite its small size, your tongue can have plenty of taste buds. According to researchers, the average tongue can contain as few as 2,000 or as many as 10,000 taste buds. If you’re on the low end, you’re considered a non-taster. However, if you are near the 10,000 mark, scientists consider you to be a supertaster.
Rest in Peace, Taste Buds
Sad as it is, your tongue’s taste buds die off every few weeks. However, before you break out the Kleenex, the good news is that new ones come along as old ones die off. Therefore, your tongue is never at a loss for its taste buds.
A Fat Tongue?
Believe it or not, your tongue is capable of gaining weight. The more weight you gain, the fatter your tongue is likely to get. However, this is not a good thing for you and your health. Just as it is unhealthy for the rest of your body to be overweight, the same applies to your tongue. In many cases, people who are overweight and have fatter tongues develop problems with sleep apnea.
A Tongue All Your Own
Just like your fingerprints, your tongue is unique unto itself. As scientists learn more about tongues, there is even talk that your tongue may once be used as a method of identification. However, here’s hoping you won’t have to roll your tongue across an ink pad, as they do when taking fingerprints.
Now that you’ve learned so many fun facts about the human tongue, you’re also likely thinking about your teeth. Whether it’s time for your regular checkup, you have other dental work needing to be done, or you just want to show off all you know about your unique tongue, give us a call here at Mountain View Dental. Once you arrive at our comfortable and professional office, we’ll take care of you and answer all of your questions. To schedule your appointment, call us today at 385-324-3557.