It can be tough to live with a smile that makes you feel self-conscious or uneasy. If you have any kind of dissatisfaction regarding your smile, then you may want to consider investing in dental veneers. Veneers, in a nutshell, are individualized shells that consist of composite resin or porcelain. Dentists place them directly on top of existing teeth as a means of enhancing how they look. If you have tooth surface harm that makes you feel unhappy, veneers may make a fine solution. They can help teeth that are affected by discoloration issues. Veneers make it realistic for people to attain smiles that are glowing white and radiant. They’re not only suitable for discoloration woes, either. They can also help people who have teeth chipping. They can even help those with overall shape concerns.
How Veneers for Teeth Work
If you’re thinking about getting veneers, you need to set up an appointment with a reliable dentist for X-ray purposes. Dentists get patients 100 percent ready for veneers by cutting a thin layer of enamel from the teeth. They retrieve molds or impressions for laboratory examination purposes. It generally takes laboratory technicians upward of two weeks to get dental veneers set to go for patients. It sometimes takes them just seven days or so, too.
Insertion is yet another vital component of veneers. Dentists meticulously assess veneer coloration and fitting prior to insertion. They cleanse existing teeth exhaustively beforehand, too. They connect veneers to natural teeth using designated cement. They also employ ultraviolet lighting in order to encourage the cement to develop a tough and resilient texture. It isn’t uncommon for dentists to request additional appointments after dental veneer insertion sessions, either. Your dentist may request that you come back for an appointment several weeks after initial insertion. He or she will evaluate veneer location and fit.
Veneers and Pricing Factors
Dental veneer costs often differ. Composite and porcelain dental veneers do not have the same exact pricing. Composite veneers, first and foremost, are roughly $250 for individual teeth. These kinds of veneers tend to remain intact for anywhere between five and seven years total. Reinsertion is required after that time period goes by. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are a different story. They’re generally a minimum of $1,000 for individual teeth. There’s a reason for that, however. These types of veneers have a lot more longevity. They tend to stay in fine working order for a minimum of between 10 and 15 years or so. It isn’t atypical for porcelain veneers to stick around in strong condition for lengthier periods.
Reach Out to Mountain View Dental Today
If you’re interested in getting veneers anywhere in Pleasant View, Utah, contact the professional team here at Mountain View Dental right away. Our office is warm, accommodating and modern as can be. Our representatives can answer any and all questions and concerns you may have regarding veneers. Our number one aim is and has always been patient satisfaction.