When kids start to lose their teeth, it’s one of the many signs that they are growing up. Most children get very excited when they have a loose tooth because means the Tooth Fairy will soon arrive.
Around the age of six is when children start to lose their baby teeth. However, there may be times when a loose tooth refuses to come out and causes your child some unnecessary stress.
Read on to learn how to keep your child from struggling with a tooth that’s loose:
Being Patient
If a child’s tooth loosens naturally, it may take a while until it’s completely ready to fall out. When it does, there is no pain and very little to no blood. Educate your child on the dangers of forcibly ripping out the tooth. It can be very painful when the sensitive roots are constantly being tugged at. In some cases, a tooth may become loose too early. Should this happen, make sure your child leaves the tooth alone and they chew on the other side of their mouth. Chewing on a tooth that is premature can cause unnecessary suffering to your child.
Brushing and Flossing
After losing a tooth, having to brush and floss their teeth may feel a bit strange for the child. Regardless, it’s still very important that they keep brushing and flossing the area where the tooth was. Not only will it keep their mouth healthy, but the tooth that will eventually come in will be in good condition as well. As the parent, make sure you supervise your little one and encourage them to brush thoroughly for 60 seconds.
Keep The Legend Alive
Every child looks forward to the Tooth Fairy when they’re tooth finally comes out. The origins of the myth are unknown, however, the legend of the Tooth Fairy can be dated all the way back to early modern Europe. Alleviate fears of having a tooth fall out by teaching your child about the Tooth Fairy. Build anticipation of the upcoming visit and let your child know that they will wake to a wonderful surprise when they lose their tooth.
Alleviate your child’s fear of losing their teeth. Use positive reinforcement and let them know that not only is it okay to have loose teeth, but it’s also something everyone goes through when growing up. Before you know it, your little ones will be eagerly awaiting their next loose tooth.